Thursday, September 23, 2010


Throughout my day today, I have heard the word allegiance repeatedly. I do not think this was by accident or coincidence either. God places people, books, places and many other things in our life for certain reasons. He uses them as a tool to deliver His message. I read it in a book I'm reading by Shane Claiborne. He was talking about how we pledge allegiance to the flag. God is all over the government because without Him, nothing would be here. We should pledge allegiance to our Savior. The one who died on a cross for OUR sins. Wow, that totally broke me. Why haven't I pledged complete allegiance? Complete trust? What is wrong with me?

I also heard the word tonight at CRU. The second I heard it, I knew God was trying to get my attention. I have been praying God makes things completely aware to me by repetition. He's totally answering that prayer. So I pondered over it for a bit and then it left my mind. I went on doing what I wanted to do. But once again, I was completely reminded of allegiance on my way home from a friends house tonight. I live right behind the International Building on campus at WKU. I saw all the flags and allegiance reentered my mind. Unable to get it off my mind I went straight to my computer and googled the definition. This is what I found from

Allegiance: : devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause

Our Savior desires loyalty from us. So what does it mean to be loyal?

Loyal: unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one's lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product

1 Chronicles 29:18 says
"O LORD, God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep this desire in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts loyal to you."

In a sense Christ IS our government. We follow his laws, listen to Him, and seek His guidance. He is IT.

Allegiance, loyalty, and faith all go hand in hand. Christ desires us to have each of those for Him. So why don't we? What is holding us back?

Lord, teach us how to be loyal to you. Break us from what keeps us from complete loyalty and allegiance to you. Bring us to our knees. We pledge allegiance to You Father. You are precious. We love you. Amen.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Don't ever say never.

Being a twin, people compare you. Ever since Brennen went on her first out of the country mission trip I have always been asked why I have not gone. My response has always been "God knows I can't handle not being in the United States, He would never send me overseas or out of the country."

I honestly think that is the dumbest statement I could have ever said. I've always heard people quote Matthew 28:19, or at least what I thought was that verse... The version I have always heard is "Go and make disciples..."

They left out the most important part.... "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

It doesn't matter how uncomfortable I am with the thought of leaving my precious comfy lifestyle that I live, God has called me to go to the "nations" and further his kingdom.

Let me tell you how this all started....

About last summer I felt like I needed to get uncomfortable and go overseas on missions. I knew I wasn't prepared yet though. God is the ultimate creator and planner. He placed me at WKU for a reason. I believe part of that reason was how much my relationship with Him would grow. When you leave home, it's all about what you want, what you believe, and how you want to live. I decided I wanted to try my best to glorify God in everything I did while at school. I am definitely not saying that is completely true as my freshman year comes to an end. But what I can say is that I have clung to God more than I ever have in my entire life. And I have heard and seen God at work in my life over this year.

A week ago, the pastor at the service I attend on Sunday night had his brother-in-law, Todd, talk about his recent trip to Haiti. Todd had a slide show and talked about the orphans he was with while there. I kind of just let this go in one ear and out the other and didn't really let it affect me. Little did I know God was trying to get my attention.

Two days later, I was reading statuses on facebook while at work and came across one about mission trips to Haiti from IMB, while reading what was needed I was brought to tears instantly. Things don't usually affect me in that way. My heart ached and still aches for the children in the orphanages. Since that day I have heard or seen something about orphans every day of the week.

I think I'm going to listen to God. Sometime in the near future I will be with orphans.

My prayer is that God continually molds me and teaches me and prepares me to work with them. I pray I learn more and more about Him on a daily basis so I can further his kingdom. I also pray that God opens up doors so that I can go, and closes doors for when not to do something that would interfere with my future mission with orphans.

This is crazy for me to realize this. I've always stood back and let Brennen do the radical trips, and stayed home. It will be me now, that's scary. I'm just thankful I have had such a great example to live by when it comes to overseas missions. She has taught me so much and I couldn't have asked for a better twin sister.

This verse is my affirmation for working with orphans:

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress
and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27

Monday, April 5, 2010

No inspiration

I'm drained. Have no inspiration for a post. So here it is.

Trigonometry sucks. New Testament is interesting. Reading Responses are the easiest assignment I will ever receive. My eyes hurt.

The End.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A quick update...

Since it's been a while since I've posted I figured I would give you a quick update on my life...

I'm still at Western and doing good in all my classes. My major is Math and Science & Math Education. I hope to become a High School Math teacher for a few years and then become a guidance counselor... That would be super awesome. My roommate is Audrey Kaelin still... she is awesome, God couldn't have given me a better one.

I work at a Dry Cleaners in Bowling Green for my mom's cousin. It's called Look Sharp Dry Cleaners and I have to "Look sharp" everyday in my way cool uniform (total sarcasm used their)... It's a great job I work 6 days a week but not too much either! God has truly blessed me with this job as well.

My plans for this summer as of right now are to stay in Bowling Green and work... Part of me wants to go away and work at a summer camp, go home to Owensboro, or not work at all... I would love to be a nanny and nanny poolside everyday, but that is doubtful to happen. I trust God will lead me in the right direction.

Brennen has made it safely home from Panama, praise Jesus. She is working at a local coffee shop in Owensboro until next fall.

Trae, my brother, has moved to Bowling Green so I get to see more of him than my other family members.

Dad had an accident and hurt his elbow... He hasn't regained all movement back in his arm so I pray God will heal it and take care of it in his timing.

Mom is doing great as ever and looking pretty the whole time.

As for a boyfriend (only because I'm asked this all the time) I have not found any boy while away at school, partly because I am not searching, I will allow God to bring him into my life whenever the timing is best. And I am okay with this.. Patience shall prevail!

God has truly blessed me with my life and I hope to bring him honor through his blessings.

Until the next post.....


God, forgiveness, love.

Well, it's definitely been a while since I have posted... I think I'm going to try and post more often. It will probably help relieve some stress...

The main thing on my mind tonight is why would God choose to love a sinner like me?

I've been pretty reflective today on my past and have really noticed how much of a sinner I am and how often I give in to sin so easily. This only resulted in me being in more pain of course.. But why in this world would God CHOOSE to LOVE me so much that he died for those exact sins I do every day that I know bring no honor or glory to my Jesus.

I just wish I could be that forgiving. My life has been crazy lately and some things have happened that I just haven't let go of. I've been angry with friends and angry with God. I have GOT to let my guard down and just trust His divine plan. My plan is terrible compared to his.

I feel so blessed to serve such an amazing God... Don't ever loose touch of God's forgiveness! Seriously.